About Ian Hands Consultancy Limited

Ian Hands
Managing Director
I work on a flexible and responsive basis, to ensure that I always meet my client’s needs and those all-important tender deadlines. In late 2014 I decided that my tender process knowledge, experience and skills would be valued amongst smaller SMEs, CICs, Charities and small businesses struggling to get through the onerous procurement processes in the public sector marketplace.
I set my prices to provide good value for my clients, usually based on a day rate fee structure and tailored to the nature of the services to be provided and priced accordingly. I can also price on an all-inclusive ‘project’ based need i.e. a price to oversee the process or preparation, writing, reviewing and submitting a tender. I can also offer a retainer arrangement whereby a client will buy a bank of support days over a longer period and are invoiced monthly for the days used in that month.
I am flexible, whatever the nature of your requirements, however small, I can help! I can offer individual organisational packages of training and mentoring to help staff responsible for tenders and bids develop their skills and become knowledgeable about tendering processes and procurement regulations. For those organisations involved in Health & Social Care I can arrange delivery of Safeguarding audits, carried out by an experienced and qualified social worker who has practised across both the statutory and voluntary sector and is registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.